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  • €30.00 - €850.00







Postal rate

Postal rate




Covers from french colonies with stamps or cancellations 

Numbering catalog Yvert et Tellier

All the lots are very fine (TB) quality, except where defect is indicated

Covers of french colonies -Tropiquescollections


  • Indochina

    Covers from Indochina with cancellations, postmarks and stamps

  • Vietnam

    Covers from Việt Nam with postal cancellations and stamps.

    - Việt Nam Empire from 1949 to 1954

    - Republic of Vietnam in the South (Việt Nam Cộng Hòa)

    - Democratic Republic of Vietnam in the North (Việt Nam dân chủ Cộng Hòa)

    - Socialist Republic of Vietnam reunited after 1976.

  • China

    China : sale postal history with covers, stamps or postmarks

    from former french and Indochina post offices

  • Cambodia

    Cambodia : postal history with covers, stamps and cancellations.

  • Laos

    Laos : postal history with covers, stamps and

    cancellations or postmarks.

  • India

    India : sale postal history of french settlements Pondicherry, Chandernagor, Karikal, Mahé and Yanaon.

  • Oceania Polynesia

    Postal history of the Oceania or french Polynesia :

    letters, stamps, cancellations and postages.

  • New Caledonia

    New Caledonia : sale postal history, covers and stamps

    for collection

  • New Hebrides

    New Hebrides : sale postal history with covers, stamps and cancels

  • Saint Pierre Miquelon

    Saint Pierre et Miquelon : sale covers witth stamps and frankings.

  • Guadaloupe
  • Guyana (french)

    Postal history of french Guyana (covers with

    cancellations and stamps).

  • Martinique

    Postal history of Martinique : covers with stamps

    cancellations or postmarks.

  • Reunion

    Reunion island : sale postal history with postmarks on stamps and covers.

  • Madagascar

    Madagascar : postal history with stamps on covers,

    cancellations, postmarks, and frankings.

  • Comoro islands

    Comoro islands : sale postal history with covers and stamps.

  • Somaliland french

    Postal history of french Somaliland : covers with stamps,

    cancellations or postal franking.

  • Dahomey

    Dahomey : sale postal history with covers, postmarks and cancellations on stamps

  • Ivory Coast

    Postal history of Ivory Coast : covers with stamps,

    postmarks or frankings

  • Haute-Volta

    Upper Volta sale postal history sale with letters and stamps.

    Before 1920, the protectorate used the stamps of Haut-Sénégal and Niger, on which it depended.
    After 1920, the values in its name are used.
    The country was recreated in 1947.
    Independent in 1960 as the Republic of Upper Volta, then renamed Burkina Faso in 1984.

  • Mauritania

    Mauritania : sale postal history with covers, stamps & postal cancellations.

  • Senegal

    Sale postal history of Senegal with stamps on mail 

  • Sudan french

    Postal history of french Sudan, covers with stamps,

    cancellations or postmarks.

  • French Niger

    French Niger : sale postal history with letters, stamps and postmarks

    The post office and telegraph service was officially established on 1 January 1913.

    Before the area was organized in military territories,

    attached to French West Africa.

  • Togo

    Togo sale postal history : covers with stamps, cancellations

    or frankings

  • Cameroon

    Sale covers with stamps and postal history of Cameroon

  • Congo

    Sale postal history of the french Congo.

  • Gabon

    Sale postal history of Gabon.

  • Ubangi-Shari

    Sale postal history of Ubangi-Shari.

  • Chad

    Sale postal history of Chad.

  • Levant

    French Levant sale postal history with stamps,

    covers and cancellations.

  • Algeria

    Algeria : sale postal history with covers, stamps and cancellations.

  • Marocco

    Marocco : sale postal history with covers, stamps and cancels

    of the french post office.

  • Tunisia

    Tunisia : sale postal history with covers, stamps and cancellations.

  • Germany

    Germany : sale postal history of french presence

    (Rhine army, World war, Saar,...)

  • France

    France : sale postal history with covers ans stamps

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  • Stamp: Groupe
  • Stamp: White
  • Postal rate: foreign
  • Postal rate: registered