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China : sale postal history with covers, stamps or postmarks

from former french and Indochina post offices

China sale postal history with covers - Tropiquescollections


  • french post offices

    China : sale covers with cancellations from the french post offices (Shanghai, Tien-Tsin, Han-Keou et Tche-Fou, Pékin, Amoy, Arsenal Pagoda, Fou-Tcheou et Ning-Po).

    Stamps were french issues printed specifically for use in China.

  • Indochina post offices

    China : sale covers with stamps and cancellations from the Indochina post offices

    (Tchongking, Hoi Hao, Kouang Tchéou Wan, Yunnan Fou, Canton, Pakhoi, Mongtseu).

    Stamps issued with overprints specific to the office.

Active filters

  • Stamp: Sage
  • Postal rate: registered